
  1. Cherkkil, A., Hu,J., Oladepo, S., Fausner, S., Surinach, D., Peters, R., Saxena, K., Horstmeyer, R., and Kodandaramaiah SB., (2024) Micro-camera Arrays for Ultra-widefield, Multi-site Cellular Resolution Calcium Imaging Across the Dorsal Cortex of Behaving Mice. Optica Biophotonics Congress: Biomedical Optics

  2. Hu J*, Cherkkil, A*, Surinach, D., Oladepo, I., Hossain, RF., Fausner, S., Saxena, K., Ko, E., Peters, R., Feldkamp, M., Konda, PC., Pathak, V., Horstmeyer, R., Kodandaramaiah, SB., (2024). Pan-cortical cellular imaging in freely behaving mice using a miniaturized micro-camera array microscope (mini-MCAM). Under review at Science Advances (* Equal contribution)

  3. Navabi, Z. S., Peters, R., Gulner, B., Cherkkil, A., Ko, E., Dadashi, F., ... & Kodandaramaiah, S. B. (2024). Computer vision guided rapid and precise automated cranial microsurgeries in rodents. Under review at Nature Communications

  4. Cherkkil, A., & Rathor, A. (2020). Design and optimization of a muffler integrated with an adaptive quarter wave tube for noise reduction in commercial vehicles. SAE Technical Paper.

  5. Cherkkil, A., Narayanan, V., & George, N. (2019). Integrated simulation of active noise cancellation using a computational fluid dynamics approach. ICA.

Conference Presentations

  1. Cherkkil, A., Hu, J., Oladepo, B. (2024, April) Micro-camera arrays for ultra-widefield, multi-site cellular resolution neuroimaging across the dorsal cortex of behaving mice, Optica BioMed, Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States.

  2. Cherkkil, A., Hu, J., Oladepo, B. (2023, November) High-performance multi-camera arrays for cortex-wide neuroimaging in behaving mice, Society for Neuroscience Conference, Washington D.C., United States.

  3. Cherkkil, A., Hu, J., Oladepo, B. (2023, June) Cellular resolution calcium imaging across the dorsal cortex of behaving mice, Brain Initiative Conference, Washington D.C., United States.

  4. Hu. J., Cherkkil, A., Fausner, S. (2023, April) A supra-miniaturized microscope for studying cortex-wide neural activity in behaving mice, Neuromodulation Symposium, Minneapolis, MN, United States.

  5. Hu, J., Cherkkil, A., Fausner, S. (2022, November) A passive gantry supported sub-miniaturized microscope to study neural activity underlying rich behaviors, Society for Neuroscience Conference, San Diego, CA, United States